Other Features of Baraha software are their special Unicode fonts which weused as an alternative for Mangal or Arial Unicode MS Unicode font and other Unicodefronts for Indian Unicode languages.īaraha Software includes fonts for Hindi, Marathi, Nepali Tamil, Telegu,Malayalam, Punjabi, Gujarati, Bengali, Oriya, Sanskrit, Assamese, Konkani, Kannada,Tulu, languages. It is an Indian standard keyboard for Indianlanguages. Inscript Keyboard – It is a commonly used keyboard facility by typist in Indiafor typing in Indian language. Phonetic Keyboard for typing in Indian language like English.īrhkbd Keyboard is a custom user-friendly keyboard given by company typingof Indian language.
You can preview or download these fonts by clicking on the name of the respective fonts.īaraha Software comes up with Phonetic Keyboard, Brhkbd Keyboard and InscriptKeyboard. Only Few fonts are given here fordownload. BarahaPad - Unicode text editor forIndian languagesīarahaIME - Type Indian language textin any application