Management functions for milking, reproduction, feeding and animal. Here are the advantages at a glance: Central herd management with all animal and production data. Also maintain a Windows XP system that operates a manure separation system through PLC modules allowing remote operation. The DairyPlan C21 herd management software is the flexible solution which can be individually adjusted to any size of farm and to your specific demands thanks to its modular design. Indicator lights display threshold values, faults, claw removal, new animal Graphic display measurements, values, data, operational information (conductivity/milk) Keys 0-9 access function/menu, enter numbers F1/F2 buttons assigned according to function. I built and maintain a 32ch IP camera system to be used to monitor herds and machinery. El software ofrece información detallada sobre la producción de leche, la fertilidad, la salud y la ingesta de alimento del rebaño. to DairyPlan C21 including milk yield, conductivity and milk flow data. I also set up and maintain an IPsec site to site VPN to incorporate the office and locations where animal monitoring is not capable of line of site with independent ISP. I built out the network to cover full WiFi in all buildings and bridged locations with line of site. This system is comprised of Windows and Linux machines. I maintain a mission critical system that has to run 24/7 to monitor production and animal health. Jo-Eng Dairy ( 2012- Today ) Systems Administrator